Most young women are into makeup, sports, medicine or technology. But then there are other young women who are into violence and murder? It’s Bonnie and Stretch the case of Joanna Dennehy right now on Love and Murder. Good evening everyone. Welcome to a new episode Oh you’ve been waiting for it for so long episode of Love and Murder, the weekly True Crime podcast Discussing relationships gone terribly wrong. And when I say Terribly wrong, I mean dead wrong. I am your long lost host Ky who was gone because she was sick first Char was sick, then some family emergency happened and then Ky was sick.
So we have been gone for so long. But I am your host Ky and Char is not joining me. Our show discusses true crime cases told in the form of a story with mystery, suspense and just a little bit of humor sprinkled on top but never at the expense of the victim. Find Love and Murder on any platform where you get your podcasts. Don’t forget to leave a review for us too.
We would dearly appreciate it. In our return from COVID episode, we are discussing a serial killer who killed all of her victims in the span of just a couple weeks. Before we get into it, though, here’s our weekly reminder to listen to our last episode, the case of Dora Cisnero. I know this has been a while since the last episode. But I’m still giving you the weekly reminder now this woman was so insane that I dubbed this episode as a telenovela. So go ahead and listen to our last episode number sixty, right after you listen to this one. And don’t forget to check out our Patreon www.patreon.com/loveandmurder where we are still running our summer sale because of so many becauses.
But we’ll get into that later on in the show. So now on to the show. Joanna Dennehy was born in Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, UK in 1982 although that’s where she was born. She was actually raised in Harpenden with her dad, Kevin and her mom Kathleen. Kevin was a security guard and her mom was a grocery worker and she also had a sister named Maria. Her parents going growing up hope that whenever she got out of high school she would go to college or university. In the UK, to become a lawyer, I think in the UK they call them a barrister, barrister or something like that I can’t remember.
Anyway, they wanted her to become a lawyer going back in all accounts, she actually had a stable and loving home growing up, she didn’t have any abuse going on. She wasn’t bullied in school or anything like that. She actually had a very good childhood all through childhood. She did like really well in school, but when she became a teenager and you know getting into high school and everything, she started experimenting with drugs and alcohol and. It’s not really said if it was because of her friends or if it was because it’s just something she wanted to do, so I don’t know if it was like peer pressure or it’s just you know, she just decided one day like hey, I wanna do drugs and alcohol.
I don’t know, but that’s what she decided to do. And then on top of all of that she started doing petty crimes. So she started like stealing shoplifting stuff, well, stealing and shoplifting the same thing, but like shoplifting. So just like really petty crimes. By the age of 15, she started running away from home and she ended up doing that around 8 times before she even turned 16. When she turned 16, she at that point in time, you know, I guess they have the legal right to decide whether they want to live at home or not. So she decided that she didn’t want to live at home and so she left.
And when she left home, she then entered a relationship with a 21 year old named John Trainer. And moved in with him. And then as time went by, she actually had two children with him. As their relationship grew and so did the children. John and her family realized that Joanna wasn’t really paying attention to neither John or their children. She was more about what she wanted to do. She wanted to have fun. She wanted to do whatever, and even if the children were like hungry or needed to be bathed, it was about what she wanted, how she felt.
So they saw this. Increase in narcissism in Joanna and also another thing they saw an increase in is her drug and alcohol use. So by this time she had become an alcoholic and a full-fledged drug addict. It wasn’t just doing drugs here and there. She was like addicted to it and dependent upon it and because of all of this. Of course her and John would argue and fight and it just wasn’t a good space for John or the children. But that’s not all. On top of all of that, Joanna started self harming herself so she would usually cut herself on her stomach.
She would take a knife or a razor blade and the place that she liked to cut herself most was on her stomach and for some reason on top of all of this. So like I guess the cherry on top, she ended up having a like a growing hatred for her mom from out of nowhere. She just started hating her mom and would start like yelling about how much she hates her mom and how much her mom didn’t do anything.
For her and it just turned into this weird thing, but like it was just out of nowhere because she didn’t have a problem with her mother before. Now because of all the crimes that she was committing and she just wouldn’t stop because, you know, by this time, like I said, she’s a drug addict and usually drug addicts to continue getting their fix and continue getting their drugs if they don’t have enough money they start doing petty crime so she continued and even had an increase in the amount of crime she was doing. She ended up being arrested and going to juvie. So what she was booked with going into juvie was burglary.
Also what they noticed while she was in juvie was that she was very manipulative and she did not care about her actions. She didn’t care about what happened. She didn’t care that she did this. She didn’t care that she was hurting people. She basically showed no remorse and no empathy. So at this point in time with everything going on, John was like you know. I’m not gonna have my kids around this at all. So he basically took his children and left, and so by the time Joanne got out of juvie, she was homeless. She had no place to go, of course, being just a manipulative person, uncaring person, unfeeling person, a drug addict and an alcoholic.
She didn’t go look for John or her children, and she just remained homeless. Going from house to house, probably going from crack house to crack house or whatever. I’m not really sure. It doesn’t really say. In my research, but it did say that she was homeless. However, in 2012 when she was 30, she was arrested and convicted of theft while she was in prison, she underwent psychological testing and she ended up being diagnosed with psychopathic and antisocial personality disorder as well as borderline personality disorders.
They noticed that she had underlying psychopathic traits, which included rage, impulsivity, violence, and anger, and she was also diagnosed with paranoid OK paraphilia. Ok, bear with me here, I’m gonna try paraphilia, sadomasochism paraphilia. Them, I think that’s how you say it where. Basically, this is where a person gains sexual excitement from pain and humiliation, and after everything like that’s a lot. But after everything, she was diagnosed with, they prescribed her with medication to regulate her moods. And then in 2013 when she’s 31 now she met a 40 year old named Kevin Lee while she was in Peterborough. Kevin rented out cheap rooms to people who were vulnerable.
You know they were homeless or they were about to be homeless or they just didn’t have their act together and they didn’t have enough money to get like an apartment or a house or anything like that. So he rented out rooms to them. He began paying rent for Joanna and they ended up starting a sexual relationship. Joanna, on the other hand, acted as Kevin’s quote paid enforcer where she would go around. And threaten people who owed him money. Intimidate them and you know, just get them to give him his money, so that’s what she did in return.
And because of this, she felt like she had a place to live. Now she felt like she had money. Now she felt more stable in her life, because remember when she was 15 she started running away when she was 16. She got arrested and then when she got out of juvie she didn’t have a house so. At 31 this is like literally the first time that she feels like she has a stable life, so she ended up doing what almost every person who has a mental illness does. I’m not saying everyone, but almost everyone she stopped taking her anti psychotic medication because she felt like she was in control.
She felt everything was good now and this is actually, this is not something to blame them for. This is actually. The exact symptom of someone who has mental health issues. So if this is going on in your family, I mean, I know it can get frustrating. However, this is just a symptom of their mental issues. They get to a point where they feel like, OK, everything’s good now, they’re in control and they feel like they don’t need to take their medication or they start being paranoid and thinking, you know, the doctor or their family is getting giving them medication, trying to kill them.
Control them or something like that. So this is a symptom of some of these mental health issues. Now, on March nineteenth thirteen a thirty one year old man named Lucas. Ok, he’s Polish, so forgive me for this pronunciation. He was a Polish immigrant and his name was Lucas Slaboszewski. Anybody who knows how to pronounce this, please let me know in the comments below. Slaboszewski, so he got a text from Joanna.
Now the back story with this is they had actually met before in Petersborough, just on the street. They were just walking and they met. I guess he saw her. He thought she was pretty or whatever and you know how you know you asked a girl for her number like hey how you doing? Can I get your number and you know so the exchange numbers and they had been talking. They had been texting back and forth and everything like that and Lucas had actually been telling his friends that he had an American girl.
Friends, so this is how he thought of her and he just you know he thought he had a future with her like they could actually get into a romantic relationship and start something. So anyway, on March 19 he received a text from her and the text actually invited him to her apartment. And, you know, come Netflix and chill. I mean, right? So he went over and they drank and talked the night away. And then at some point in the night Joanna kind of convinced him. To put a blindfold on, she’s like we’re gonna play a game, and part of the game is you gotta put on this blindfold and you know, let’s go ahead and answer questions or I’m gonna feed you something.
You gotta tell me what it is or I’m gonna put something in your hand and you have to tell me what it is, whatever the game was that he had to wear a blindfold but he said OK because you know they’re trying to get into a relationship or from what he’s thinking they’re trying to get into relationship so he trusts her. He lets her blindfold him and once he was blindfolded. Joanna probably started like, well, I’m gonna go get this and ask you what it feels like and I’ll be right back.
So she ran out of the room, got what she was getting, get caught back to the room and I was like OK I’m ready Are you ready? I’m gonna ask you exactly what this feels like and you tell me what it is this is the game OK? And then she proceeded to stab him in the heart this is what she did to this poor man she stabbed him in the heart and killed him so she tried to.
Obviously, get rid of the body, but he was too heavy for her. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t drag him, she couldn’t carry him, she couldn’t get him out of her apartment. So what did she do? She called somebody else as our criminals in these shows always do. They always drag other people into it. So she called the guy named Gary Richards, but people called him stretch. I was going to say Gary quote Stretch Richards, but his name is Gary Richards and people call him stretch, and he was actually, I don’t want to say a friend.
He was an associate of hers and he was also a criminal. So he she called him for help. Now I know you’re wondering why they call him stretch? Well, he was seven feet 3 inches tall. That’s why they called him stretch. He was tall as crap. And of course, why else would he help her help her? But because he liked her, he actually had a little crush on her or whatever.
So he was like yeah, have a crush on you. I’ll do anything you want, you know. He went up to disposing of her body. I don’t like anybody that much so stretch came over and like any other criminal, what are they gonna do? He brought somebody else just one more person so the person he brought over his name was Leslie Layton and between all of them they got Lucas in the car and was able to place him in a trash can outside of like a block away from her apartment but outside of some other apartments. And what about their lives? But the weird thing is just get this, get this.
At one point in time. Joanne brought a 14 year old girl to the dumpster. And opened it to show her that there was a body inside. I mean I just, I don’t, I don’t understand why would you scare a 14 year old like that? Or did you think she was going to think it was cool? And why is it 31 year old youth care what a 14 year old thinks? Or were you trying to scare her? But why just a random 14 year old? It wasn’t even like her parents owned you money so that was just random and weird.
So anyway, that’s what they did and then a couple days later they came back to the dumpster. Got the body and then threw it in a ditch in the countryside and then a week went by and on the twenty eighth of march twenty thirteen Joanna decided to call her neighbor. This neighbor was a guy named John Chapman who was 56 and a veteran and she told them, you know, come on over. Let’s have some alcohol. Let’s have fun. So you know he figured. I guess he figured he had nothing better to do. It wasn’t like he was really like into her, so he wasn’t looking for a relationship or anything.
Not like Lucas, but he came over and they drank and talked same emo as Lucas. They drank it and talked until John got drunk and he passed out and Joanna at this time is both high on drugs and now drunk with alcohol. She took that same knife she had used on Lucas. And stab John six times in the chest. Once again she couldn’t move him. So who did she call? She called? Stretch and Stretch brought Leslie once again. The cycle continues. It was just nine days apart and this happens all over again. So Stretch was only happy to help yet again, but this time when she called him, Joanna said, quote, oops, I’ve done it again.
Are you serious right now so? Once again, put the bodies in the car and took it to the same ditch that they had dumped Lucas’s body in and dumped that body in the ditch as well, like no caring whatsoever. And I mean for you to commit a murder, you have to have a sense of no caring in the 1st place. But you know, just dumping it in the ditch. No, carrying these three people. All three of them on March twenty ninth, which was exactly the next day after she killed John, Joanna called Kevin.
Remember Kevin, her landlord. So she called him and invited him over to her apartment. Now we know for certain if you’re a guy, don’t ever go into Joanna’s apartment that’s just number one rule right there. But she called Kevin invited him over to her apartment and then stabbed him in the heart as well. Like all three of them. Same emo stabbed him in the heart and killed them. But the significant difference with Kevin is that she then dressed his body. In one of her black sequin dresses and then dumped him in a ditch in Newborough, which was 8 miles away from the other bodies that she had.
So she still dumped him in a ditch. But this time she dressed him in one of her black dresses and dumped him 8 miles away in another town in another ditch. And again same MO help with Stretch came over to help her, but still I wonder why she decided to do something different with Kevin. And that’s something different was to dress him in one of her outfits. I don’t. That’s the part I’m not understanding and I would be interested to find out why. Now, Doctor Jeremy Coid, who actually works with psychopaths. His interpretation of this was quote his body was placed in that way to degrade him and get excitement and pleasure from the humiliation of him, even after he was dead.
End Quote. So that’s what he said. That’s why he said she did that to him. That’s it. I don’t know what to say about it. I was gonna say that’s interesting, but I mean I guess it makes sense to a psychopath and somebody who analyzes psychopaths would more understand that. I just, I just don’t understand that. Why him and why not anybody else? Or was she escalating like that of a serial killer? So would her other victims now be dressed in some form of clothing like that, a costume that she put on for them? Now I don’t know if you noticed, but no police has been called throughout all this time, and that’s because the first two victims didn’t have any friends or family in the vicinity, so nobody was missing them.
However, she made a mistake because Kevin, although he was having sex with her, was still married and his wife didn’t know that he was cheating on her. So he had a wife and he had children. And of course. He didn’t come home, so she called the police and reported him missing. Police went out and did a manhunt for him and found his body on March thirtieth. Once they found him, you know they started doing investigations as police do and realized that Joanna was somebody on their radar.
So she became a person of interest and police went to find her. However, Joanna had other plans by this time. On April second, 2013 Her and stretch went and committed a robbery in Norfolk. Then they contacted stretches associate because let’s get more people into this and this guy’s name was Mark Lloyd and Mark agreed to help them. You know, get the stolen goods sold. So fence the stolen goods.
Yeah, you like terminology I used but once he got into the car, Joanna started boasting, like just literally boasting of murdering. Three people, how she did it, how it felt to her, and that she wanted to do it again. And Mark was like Oh my God, no, I don’t murder people. What is wrong with this woman here? So he was kind of like put off by this and you know, while he’s in the car, Joanna is just going on and on and on and she’s like I wanna do this again.
I wanna murder again. I like the feeling or whatever that’s what she was saying so stretch being stretched I guess decided to drive her around and point it out somebody like say, hey you wanna murder them so he just pointed at somebody and was like you want to murder them. And Joanna was like yeah and she jumped out of the car and went and stabbed this person. In the shoulder and then jump back in the car and drove away.
The person she stabbed was Robin Buriza, which was a 64 year old, so she stabbed them, watched them fell to the ground, fall to the ground and watched them started, bleeding, and then they just zoomed off and she just felt so energized by this so much so that 9 minutes later, 9 minutes later. So like a couple blocks down the road, she decided to attack somebody else. And she jumped out of the car again and jumped on this guy, whose name was John Rogers. 57 year old guy. She stabbed him more than 30 times in the street.
They’re just in the street. Where was everybody? Ah anyways, the good news is both of those victims. Robin and John survived these attacks and they were able to tell the police completely described to the police, who this crazed person was, what she looked like everything. So now they kind of have a picture of who this person is, but they don’t know. It’s Joanna. Then the next day, April 3rd, the bodies of Lucas and John were found in the ditch. But you know, you have on one.
And you have Kevin found in a ditch 8 miles away. Then you have this crazy woman just stabbing up people in the street and it doesn’t really go hand in hand with Lucas and John who were found in a ditch. You know somewhere else, so they kind of didn’t put these two in. Let me say these three incidents together and it actually probably would have taken them some time to put it all together, but. While she was waiting to find more people to kill, I guess Joanna decided to go on social media and post some pictures that she posed for.
So she had posed for these pictures with this huge serrated knife in her hand. And then she captioned it, bragging that her and stretch were, like, quote Bonnie and Clyde. And as you know, Bonnie and Clyde King killed 9 policemen and she said she wanted to be. Exactly like them and do the same thing. So when police saw that they were like wait a second, that looks like the sketch that we got from these other people. These victims here and they went and arrested her. So then on May eighth twenty thirteen she was charged with the murder of Kevin and the attempted murders of Robin and John, and during that investigation they basically formed the connection between her and Lucas.
And the other victims. And, you know, realize that Joanna had relationships with them. Or that was a neighbor, or that was the landlord. So they basically put everything together during the pathology. They found that the exact same knife, the one that she had taken a picture with, had been used on all 5 victims. So the three people that she killed, the two people that she stabbed. And then she’s still taken a picture with that same knife. When police saw this picture, they launched a nationwide. Manhunt for her, even using CCTV. Just everything. Just social media to track her down when they found her.
Of course they arrested her and she was just calm. They described her as cold, not even calm. She was just no emotion at all. And when they you know took her to jail and LED her to one of her cells, she was just singing. A song. She was just singing quote singing in the rain. That’s the song she was just singing. No care in the world. She also told police that you know she had told stretch that quote I want to have my fun before she went out and murdered more people. On top of all of that, while she’s still with the cops, she bragged that she and stretch were like Bonnie and Clyde.
Like I said before, and that she wanted 9 victims just like Bonnie and Clyde. And that’s what she was working her way up to. So if that wasn’t crazy enough, she’s in jail now waiting to be put on trial while she’s there. The prison guards found that she had an escape plan and you won’t. You won’t even guess, I mean. If you think about our previous episodes and what these criminals do, you may guess as to how they found it. But just in case you can’t, I’m gonna tell you how they found out that she had an escape plan.
She wrote it in her hurricane diary. Dear diary. Today I’m going to escape from prison. I have been planning this for a long time. What I’m going to do is I’m going to shoot up a bunch of guards and then I’m going to dress as a guard and then I’m going to walk through the doors and nobody will be the wiser. I hope they don’t read this journal entry, but of course who in their right mind would actually read a girl’s journal? It’s my diary.
Nobody reads my private thoughts, not even in prison. Like what in the…? So I just basically just said something, but what actually her plot was she was going to kill or maim or seriously injure a prison guard. She was gonna cut off one of their fingers and use it, you know, like on TV how they cut off somebody’s hand or their thumb or whatever and use that on the biometric system. So that was her plan. That’s what she was going to do. That’s what she wrote down in her diary and just, I guess, figured nobody would read it.
In prison. On the day she was sentenced, her judge, which is Judge Spencer, told her that quote within the space of 10 days you’ve murdered three men in cold blood. Although you pleaded guilty, you’ve made it quite clear you have no remorse. You are a cruel, calculating, selfish and manipulative serial killer. End quote. On November twenty first. 2013 Joanna pleaded guilty to all charges.
Initially, she had pleaded not guilty. Now she pleaded guilty or pled, whichever way guilty to all charges. After that, she went straight to court for sentences they didn’t even wait. They sent her straight to court. This court is called Old Bailey for sentencing, and they’re Mark Lloyd remember the petty criminal who just wanted to help them fence stuff. He sang like a bird, testified against her and he was like, look, I wasn’t trying to be in nothing, wasn’t trying to do nothing. I was just there and they just started acting crazy. He said, you know, i don’t have anything to do with this.
And he told everything that happened and he ended up not being charged with any crime. On February tenth, 2014 stretch, on the other hand, was found guilty of attempted murder. Leslie was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice, and on February twelfth Leslie and Stretch were convicted of all other charges included three counts of preventing the lawful burial of a body. On February twenty eighth, 2014 Joanna was sentenced to life.
Imprisonment and the trial judge recommended that she never see the light of day. He said that she should never be released. He said that this was justified due to the premeditation of each murder, because remember, she said she wanted to kill nine people. So due to the cold and calculated premeditation of each murder, the judge said she should never see the light of day again, however.
Know if she’s there, I’m not switching it like she saw the light of day, but what I’m saying now is during her sentences you know how most people put their head down. Start crying whether they’re guilty. What they immediately start crying if they murdered a whole family, they start thinking about themselves and start crying like how could you do this to me? Your whole lifetime all. She, on the other hand, was laughing and just having the time of her life while they’re telling her that you’re going to be in prison for the rest of your life after her trial, it turned out that while they found out, let me see, let me not say it turned out they found out that Joanna had been on probation at the time of the murder, so she was still on probation.
Oh my God. So she was on probation at the time of the murders for assault and for owning a dangerous. Dog, what kind of dog would you go on probation for? That’s weird. Like was it a pit bull or whatever? They didn’t say what kind of dog, but I’m wondering what do you label as a dangerous dog? And the reason why nobody was watching her at that time was that during that part of the investigation they found out that her probation officers had actually been given inadequate training and so they didn’t know that they had to watch her as closely as she had to come in. Or just that’s why she was running rampant.
Also, I would like to note that when they found out that she was plotting her escape, they ended up putting her in solitary why can’t I say solitary? They ended up putting her in solitary confinement so she was there between September 2013 to September 2015 and because of that she then tried to sue the British justice system for quote breaching her human. Rights by keeping her in solitary confinement for two years, then in May 2016 she got a letter informing her that yeah, screw you girl your attempt to sue us is completely unsuccessful. The judge in this case actually told her that quote your solitary confinement was in accordance with the law at all material times.
It has been necessary. And proportionate, that’s what it said. It has some other stuff in there, but I left it out so it basically condensing the quote. That’s what it said. Basically you weren’t. You weren’t solitary confinement for a reason, and you can’t sue us because I agree why you were in solitary confinement. That’s what it said. So she’s currently in Bruntsfield category, a prison in Surrey, Britain. And while she was in prison, she ended up falling in love awe.
She fell in love with another. Inmate who was serving time at the time at the time, and that prison that inmates name was Haley Palmer. And they were so in love. They actually had a suicide pact to each of them commit suicide, but it was unsuccessful and another, I guess. Maybe she wrote that in her journal too. So it was another plot of hers that was just dashed. So I’m trying. I’m wondering if she was trying to die like Bonnie and Clyde too, and this would have been the.
Ultimate and to her fantasy of being Bonnie and Clyde, I don’t know. Haley actually ended up ended up getting out of prison cause she was in prison for Robin. She was a street robber and she had a 16 year sentence. So she get out of she got out of prison and she told the press that she was actually trying to take legal action, finding legal advice on how to plan her wedding to Joanna. You heard me right. Joanna’s a murderer, a cold blooded murderer, and she’s like I’m in love and I want to marry her and I need to find a way to do that, and she ended up telling the press that look Joanna’s Yeah, maybe she made mistakes in her past, but I gave her an ultimatum.
I said if we’re going to get married you have to swear to me no more murders, because if you murder one more person, I’m not going to be with you so. That’s what she said and she’s like Joanna said. Yeah, of course I love you. I’ll never do this again and apparently like they speak every day, Haley speaks very sweetly of Joanna like she’s really in love. And according to Haley, what she says is quote we fully intend to get married. And she also joked that quote we wouldn’t be allowed to cut our wedding cake because there’s no way they’re going to let Joanna have a knife.
So right now, she’s petitioning to try. And be with Joanna. Even though Joanna is still in prison and will be in prison for the rest of her life and she’s out of prison herself. I want to note that before the reported killings here, Joanna had already been boasting that she’d killed four times, so there’s probably more bodies out there and Haley’s Just cool with that, wow. Also, another side note is that Joanna is one of only three women. In the UK, to be put on a life sentence, the other two were also murderers. That was Myra Henley and another serial killer named Rosemary west, which I’m more and likely going to do a show on Bronze Field where Joanna is a private prison that’s only for women in the UK and it is the largest female prison in Europe.
So that’s where she is. Haley is out trying to. Beg the justice system to let them get married? I guess 5, definitely five people have been victims, three of which are dead, two of which are still alive. And apparently according to her, there’s four more somewhere out there, so that is the case of Joanna Denny. What did you think about this case? Do you think she did this because of her mental illness or her lack of medicine? Do you think she just also, she just always wanted to do this despite the mental illness. Would you classify her as a serial killer? Because this happened in the span of what 10 days? So would you classify her as a serial killer? Let me know in the comments below and if you like this episode then head on over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify and rate love and murder five stars.
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