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Hey LaMs Ky here, back with another Ky Rants.

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This case is about a 19 year old man, Keanu Labatte, from Minnesota, who was accused of holding his girlfriend captive in her dorm room for three days. He actually tortured her and raped her, and then she eventually escaped.

So what happened is that she goes to an all-female school in St. Paul at St. Catherine University. According to reports, they had been dating for about two months, and he had come to the university to visit her. When he got there, he saw allegedly, he saw texts, social media posts, and pictures that “infuriated him.” This made him think that she was cheating on him, and instead of walking away like any rational person would, like, “You know, I’m not good enough for you. Okay, well then blah, blah, blah, blah, I’m out. I’ll find somebody else who loves me or can understand the kind of person I am or whatever.” Instead of doing that, he decides that, you know what? This calls for a weekend of physical and sexual violence. 

Man Waterboards Girlfriend in Dorm - Keanu Labatte

What. Is. Wrong. With. You?!

If somebody doesn’t want you, move along. Beating them up isn’t gonna make them want you more. What was your end game?

So you hurt her physically as you’re hurting inside. Now you’re gonna go to jail, and you’re gonna be hurting inside physically. 

Kenau took her phone away from her, made the idiotic decision to rape her, and it’s reported that he choked her until, 

“She was unable to breathe, felt light-headed and saw stars.” 

After that, he said he was gonna kill her and her family, and, 

“Reminded her that she knew what he had done to a prior girlfriend.” 

As the report continued, the victim said she,

“feel and terrified to the point that she would just lay next to the bat and not move for fear of what he would do to her.” 

So not only that, he also waterboarded her, raped her repeatedly, and punched her numerous times into face and stomach. So he came on Thursday, and then by Saturday, he’d put her in a bathtub, put a washcloth over her face, and dumped water over her head. By Sunday, she was able to escape by telling him that she was hungry, she needs to go to the dining hall. Maybe she can go get some food for him too. So he allowed her to go to the dining hall, but on one condition; he said, 

“Here’s your phone, and you need to keep in touch with me on Snapchat so I can check all your movements.” 

She said, “Okay, okay, okay, I definitely will. Let me turn on my Snapchat, and you can track all my movements.” 

So she left the dorm room, and she allowed him to track her …… 

….. going all the way to the police! 

So she went to the police, reported the incident, and then went to the hospital to get examined. Police went to pick up Keanu, which you did not do your namesake any justice, and he was charged with five felony counts, one for threats of violence, three for criminal sexual conduct, and one for domestic assault by strangulation. 

It also recently came out that this bag of male appendages was already serving a one-year probation in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, for violating a harassment restraining order that was in place from November 2022. This restraining order was with another woman and was because he sent her unwanted text messages. This was when he was in high school, and he was dating this student, while “dating this student.” It was actually a one-year probation that had been issued last April, and he was about to get off of it. However, he went ahead and did this. 

He was arrested on September 9, 2023 and charged with five felon accounts, and a hundred thousand dollar bail was set for him on September 12th. He is set to appear in court again on October 9th, 2023.

What do you think of this case? Let me know in the comments below.

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If you or a loved one are a victim of domestic violence, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for confidential assistance from trained advocates or go to They are available 24/7 and can help in more than 170 different languages. 



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