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**Episode Transcription

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*episode transcript

Hey, LaMs, welcome to another Ky Rants.
If you have an article that you want me to rant about, make sure you DM me the article or mail it to [email protected].
[email protected].
So today’s episode is an article that I had seen a while back about someone’s son who died of fentanyl poisoning, but it came back up in my feed and so I just wanted to stop and talk about this.

So the 16 year old son, Sammy, of talk show host, Dr. Laura Berman, died because of fentanyl poisoning. Now, the reason why I want to rant about this is because they’re blaming Snapchat because apparently the drug dealer was on Snapchat and was having a conversation with Sammy via Snapchat. Then they decided where, you know, when to make the drop whatever, whatever he came to her house, dropped off a line of cocaine that was laced with fentanyl at her house and so her son died.

I’m really sorry for that.
That’s a horrible for any parent to go through. The problem that I have is that Dr. Berman is now blaming Snapchat. So she actually sued Snapchat’s parent company on the grounds of product liability. She wants a law passed called Sammy’s law, which will enable parents to be alerted, sorry, which would enable parents to be alerted regarded,  “dangerous content” is on their devices, end quote.
And she also spoke with CEO of SNAPS, which is Evan Spiegel, to find out what they can do to actually make this happen.

Now, I might, I can’t, I don’t know if you could tell, I might have lost for words.
My mind is blown that somehow this is Snapchat’s fault. I’m just, I’m not understanding that. She’s saying that Snapchat played a huge role in her son, overdosing, and dying. Well, I don’t wanna say overdosing, get into the poison in and dying.

And so she wants the law passed that allows parent to screen the activities
of their children on the app. But, wait, yeah, okay.

Let me continue ’cause I’m just like,
Dr. Burman’s husband, Sam Chapman,
said, “The drug got delivered to our home
as if it were pizza and Sammy died from fentanyl poisoning. He passed that on choked on his own vomit. The quantity of fentanyl was enough for an addict and too much for him.”

Again, I can’t even imagine losing a child.
That’s not what my rant is about. My rant is about that you’re suing a company that literally has nothing to do with the death of your child. You wanna law pass that would allow parents to screen the activities of  children on the app. There is a law, it’s called being a parent. Literally, you tell your child, they’re not allowed to go on Snapchat or you make sure you look at what’s going on on your child’s phone or you make sure that you’re present in your child’s social media or just whatever. And I mean, children are gonna be children. You cannot watch them 24 hours a day. So even if you had an app that allowed you to watch what’s going on in your child’s feed, you don’t think these children are just gonna make a separate secret account?
Have you met children?
Have you been a child?

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You can be as observant of your child as you can, but a child is still gonna be a child
and what’s going to happen is still gonna happen.
That’s just life.
So to sue a company and say, “This is their fault.” I’m not saying it’s their fault
and I’m not saying it’s your fault. It’s just something that happened. Because even if a child is not getting this on an app, they can get it out on the streets. Before there was social media, there were still overdoses in and poisoning and everything like that, simply happening on the streets. And even to parents, or sorry, to children of strict parents, where well I always have my child with me, you can’t always watch your child. And children will be as children will be. You can think that you know your child,
where your child is, is at all times, so that they’ll never be talking to drug dealers or whatever, but then the child’s friend slips it to them. They do it in the locker of school.
It’s up to the child.
It’s up to you.
You teach your child the right way and it’s up to the child to listen to their parents.

That’s all we can do as parents.

And you can’t go blaming companies,  movies, video games, rock songs, rap, whatever, as to the action that your child decides to take. You can only be as  observant as you can as a parent, as present as a parent, and hope that your child will follow what you set out for them.

That’s it.

Somebody asked me if I trust my child.
Actually, somebody asked me if once my child became a teenager, would I trust my child? And I said, “I trust my child to be a teenager.” That’s it. That’s what it is. So her suing snapchat and thinking about making an app to so parents can be alerted of this
and that’s not gonna do anything but make children more sneaky. So yeah, you’ll have to log in to this one, but then there’ll be another login that you have no idea about
or they’ll just log in on their friend’s phone
from their friend’s login or whatever that you will have no idea about. So going through all of this is not gonna solve anything.

You were a child.

I was a child.

We were all children.

Anyways, I’d love to hear from you.

Maybe I’m being too harsh as always,
but I’d love to hear from you.

Let me know in the comments below or shoot me an SOS.

That’s all I have for you today in my rantings.


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