5 kid murderers

Tonight we’re talking about a recent case. A, so far, unsolved case of a missing wife and mother. Another case of abuse. 

 As usual, I’m gonna give you a reminder to listen to our last episode – the Case of Dwight Jones. This case was whew. It was a case of abuse and a lesson in why you don’t ever stay in an abusive relationship for the sake of the children. In one way or another, it never ends well for the kids. So go back to an Unwarranted Revenge episode #49 and listen to the case. We also have a video showcasing the social media history of Dwight Jones in our Facebook Fan Page Group. You can get the link in the show notes below or search for Love and Murder Fan Page in Facebook or Google. 

 Switching gears – in our exclusive community we have a bonus episode of a woman who loved her boyfriend so much more than we’ll ever understand and a second case of a mother who would do anything for her son – or would she? If you want to hear these cases then head on over our exclusive community in Patreon at www.patreon.com/loveandmurder and join us there. Later on, I’ll tell you more about what you get from joining this community.

 Now on to the case

 May Millete, also called Maya, was born on May 1, 1981 in the Phillippines. When she was 13 years old, her family (both parents and 5 siblings) immigrated to Honolulu, HI. Maya loved it in Hawai’i and thrived there. Growing up she was described as smart, very active, and very into education. She was “this tiny person with a big personality.” After graduating from highschool, she went to college and graduated from the University of Hawai’i. 

Larry Millete was born in 1979 in San Diego, CA and his family also had immigrated from the Phillippines. 

When he was 15 years old, Larry’s family had moved to HI after he was arrested in connection to a gang-related stabbing in 1997. On April 30, 1997 in the Bay Terraces neighborhood in San Diego, CA, in the evening, police were called due to reports of a fight in the neighbohood.

 “A 15-year-old is in jail after a confrontation between the group he was with and a 17-year-old in Paradise Hills. The 17-year-old was stabbed several times,” CBS News 8 reported at the time.

The San Diego Union-Tribune had also sent out details of the incident on May 2, 1997. It read:

“A fight that police say was gang-related left one teenager hospitalized with a stab wound Wednesday night. A 17 year old was standing outside Thrifty Drug Store on Paradise Valley Road about 8:30 pm when tree young men drove up and got into a fight with the teen and his friends, police said. 

Police believe that a 15 year old stabbed the older youth several times, then drove off with his two companions. He was later arrested and booked into Juvenile Hall on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. 

The 17 year old was listed in critical condition at an area hospital.”

 The victim was a 17 year old who was stabbed multiple times and rushed to Mercy Hospital. Thankfully, he survived the attack. 

 Great start to the story.

 Anyway, both he and Maya attended Radford High School and met in 1999 when they were working at a fastfood jon; both were still teenagers. For both, it was love at first sight and they got married shortly after they met. In 2000, Larry enlisted into the Navy where he stayed for the next 5 years. So in 2005, after his 5 years of service, he was discharged and began life as a civilian. 

After this, they settled down in San Diego, CA – probably the last place Larry was stationed. That’s usually how it happens – when you get out of the military, you have an option to go back to your listed home state, in which the military helps you move, or you can do whatever you want at your expense. 

Living in San Diego, both of them worked as civilians for the Navy. Maya’s job was to negotiate contracts and everyone says she was good at it. She had a photographic memory. People at her job respected her very  much and said that she was “a strong and confident leader.” Many women in the office really looked up to her for how well she did in the office. She was so good at her job that she had a supervisory role as a contract specialist.

Larry worked as an optician at the Naval Medical Center. 

10 years after they got married, they decided to start a family. They actually had 3 children in the marriage – 2 daughters and a son – 4, 9, and 11 at the time of this story. Family members said that Larry was a good dad, always paying attention to his kids and that Maya was a loving and caring mother. She was very hands on and loved teaching their kids and singing with theml 

Later on down the line, there came claims of Maya having an affair. Starting in 2020, their marriage started going downhill due to these claims.

Maya asked for a divorce but Larry wanted them to work it out, maybe go to counseling to get over the affair.

Maya had good reason for wanting a divorce. There are reports that Larry has “a scary temper.” Maya was so worried about his temper that she was worried that “he would hurt the kids to get back at her.” Maya is quoted in 2020 as actually saying, “Larry does have a scary temper… nothing the people outside of the family have seen. I don’t think he would hurt me, but I think he would hurt the kids to get back at me.” According to some of Maya’s family, Larry was physically abusive and said that he once offered to pay someone $20,000 to kill the man Maya had an alleged affair with. 

Maya’s friends said that around March Larry started acting obsessive. They said he was doing subliminal messages for her to be what he thought was a perfect wife. They were all over the place and at different times these messages would just turn on.

Wait what? So did he have like little signs all over the place and scheduled them to turn on or something? I don’t understand this. 

They said that starting in January, Larry would call all of Maya’s friends telling them that Maya was having some type of midlife crisis and asking them to talk to her. The midlife crisis he was referring to was that she’d started going out with her friends.

Larry didn’t like that Maya was being less submissive and he was less in control. In the beginning she had a very submissive, but her personality was now changing and, as a controlling person, he didn’t like this change. To maintain a level of control, Larry started tracking her – her spending habits, her social media, where she was going, everything. He’d gotten all of her social media passwords and gotten into her accounts. Look – all of this is getting into the realm of ridiculous. 

But we haven’t gotten into ridiculous yet: He started accusing her of having several affairs with different men at work. He even sent emails to her boss accusing her of having affairs at work. Basically this alleged jerk was trying to get her fired from work. What an alleged ass. 

Her friends also said that Maya would never walk out and, most importantly, would never leave her kids. Which I understand. Even if I’m walking out, I’m not leaving my child.

So in going back to find out about these affairs, NCIS (which is the Naval Criminal Investigative Services) had launched an investigation and found no evidence of any affairs. Even though that happened, Larry insisted that she was cheating on him. So he went from bugging her job, to bugging her family; calling them and texting them. Some snippets of the texts said,”for the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey … Her feet go down to death. … Her steps lead straight to the grave”

Larry was so desperate to keep his wife that he turned to witchcraft. He started searching the internet for spells and even bought some spells from some people AND even left a review for one of them, “She is kind, professional and courteous. My casting has not yet manifested, but I’m really hoping and counting on it.” Like 5 stars. What?!

By December, Larry and Maya had started sleeping in separate rooms. I mean, can you blame her?! But do you think that would save her from Larry? Nope! One day Maya found speakers in her foom and she confronted Larry. He told her that he’d been playing subliminal messages for her while she was asleep. Well, what were the messages saying? Maybe something like, “you are beautiful, you are gorgeous, you are smart, you’re a good mom.” Yea, No. The messages said, “No more men.” That’s it. Over and over and over while she slept. What in all the freaks?! After that Maya texted her friend and told her that she was done with the marriage.

Towards the beginning of January 2021, Maya was planning a family ski trip to Big Bear Ski Resort for their daughter’s 7th birthday. On January 7, Maya stopped communicating with the family which was totally out of the norm for her.

On January 8, Maya’s brother J.R. drove over to her house to check on her; basically something I would do too. Bump that; IMMEDIATELY to my sibling’s or child’s house!

So J.R. pulls up and asks Larry where Maya was. Larry said they’d had a fight and she had locked herself in their bedroom for many hours. J.R. went and knocked on the room door but no one responded so he thought maybe she was sleeping, so he left. My crazy butt probably would have kicked the door down.

On January 9, her family still hadn’t heard from her so her sister, Maricris and her husband went over to the house. When they walked in, they noticed the house was a mess and COLD. It was January and Larry had the AC running. Quick question, does it get cold in California? I figure northern Cali up near Oregon and Washington State, but isn’t San Diego? Isn’t that mid Cali? It gets cold there?

They asked him where Maya was today and he told them that she wasn’t home; she’d gone out. They asked him “Out where.” and he said she was out hiking. 

For some reason I smell some thing Char. Do you smell it? Do you know what I smell? Bull Shit! She’s out hiking? Really?!

So the funny thing was that her stuff was all still at the house, her purse and everything and even her car was still there. Even her phone was still at the house! Soooo what did she hike to the location from her house and then started her REAL hike?

In looking around the house, they noticed that the garage smelled very strong of bleach and there were bathmats handing over the trashcans looking like they were drying out. They also noticed that the tires on their Lexus SUV were low on air.

Maricris didn’t believe Larry and, that night, she called the Chula Vista Police Department  to report a missing person. Funny thing is that Larry did’t call first AND he tried to discourage calling the police saying that Maya will turn up.

The police sent out 3 officers that night who went through the house. They questioned Maricris, her husband, and Larry and then left.  

One reason the family also didn’t believe Larry is because apparently, some months before she went missing, Maya had told her family, “Hey, you know if something happened to me, it’s gonna be Larry.”

So, yea, now she’s officially reported as missing.

On the 10th, 11th, and 12th, police searched the cars and the house for clues of where Maya could have gone. Allegedly, Larry told police that he feared for his wife’s safety. 

On January 10, her family decided to go out and look for Maya. They’d gathered at her house to celebrate her daughter’s birthday, but they couldn’t focus on that and everyone kept looking at the door to see if Maya would come in. That’s why they decided to just go out and search. According to them though, Larry didn’t seem distraught. He didn’t even go out with them to look for her. 

On January 11, a former criminal defense investigator for the U.S Navy, Billy Little, decided to stop in. He went to her house to look around. He noticed that all of the windows in the house were open, like the house was being aired out. In the master bedroom, he noticed that there was a hole in the door right next to the door handle – like someone had punched through the door to get access to a locked room. Larry said, “Oh yeah, Maya punched a hole … in the door there.”  He also saw a recently repaired hole in the wall and asked Larry what happened. Larry said, “Oh yea, she got mad and punched that too.” The problem with this statement is that Maya was a short person and the hole was much too high for her to have reached. 

After he left the house, we went around the neighborhood to see if he could get neighbor’s security footage of that day – you know, something the police should have been doing. One of the neighbors did catch something; the Millete children playing in the yard, on a cold night (it was like in the 40’s) – the night that Maya went missing – at around 10:30pm. Oh yea, it was also a school night. So why are they outside; nothing about this points to a reason the kids would be outside.

He found another camera that showed Larry, at 5:58am, backing the Lexus into their garage the morning after Maya went missing. Then the footage shows him learning the house at 6:45am and not getting home until around 5:15pm.

The police, though, still hadn’t served a search warrant, so on January 21, Maya’s family hired a PI. Her family was very upset with what they said, “a lack of concern from the police.”

Finally, two weeks after Maya went missing – on January 23 – the Chula Vista Police served a search warrant on the house and car. They actually “seized evidence” and impounded the Lexus. What evidence did they seize? I heard you ask that question right Char? Well glad you asked. They found that he had a crap ton of guns – so they took two handguns, a shotgun, an illegal assault weapon, and a rifle. They also took images from Larry’s phone. From the Lexus they searched the GPS to see where the car had been and when.

In February, police said that Larry had stopped cooperating with them and hired a lawyer. He said he had nothing to do with Maya’s disappearance.

Remember when I said that Larry had turned to witchcraft? Well, he’d bought a supposed spell that would make a woman become attracted to him, which, in his case was to bind his marriage in blood. So the spell told him to do a witchcraft blood alter and he did. There’s a picture of it in the Facebook Fan Page Group – and if you’re part of our exclusive LnM community, all extras will be included in the episode post. My question about this though, is where did he get all of that blood?! Like if you look at the picture there like a cup or a cup and a half of blood splattered on that thing.

During the investigation, it came out that on January 7 – you know, the day that she went missing – she’d filled out a divorce intake form and had made an appointment with a divorce attorney.

Three months later, that video surveillance of the neighbors that I told you about were turned over to the police. So that’s about March. If you go to the group that I’m constantly mentioning, you’ll see the video in there. Or, of course if you are in our exclusive group, it will be in with the episode post. 

These videos showed – well were audio really with a video image of just the front of the neighbor’s hous – that on January 7, 2021 at 9:57 pm you can hear dogs barking and 8 gun shots. The shots came fairly quickly at first, but towards there end, there were significant pauses between shots. 

There is also another video at 10:43pm where you hear a kid screaming and playing.

By the way, these videos were originally found in Billy’s investigation (if you forgot who he was, he’s the criminal defense investigator) He said he’d told the police about all of this back in January but they just didn’t take any action.

After watching the videos, the FBI said that they couldn’t definitively claim that these sounds were gunshots. I wonder what they think it sounds like then.

During the investigation, it came out that Larry had been taking out lots of money from the couple’s bank for a while since Maya disappeared.

Also, they found that the next day, you know, the day he backed his car into the garage and back out later then came home 11.5 hours later – yea that day. On that day, Larry’s phone was off for 11 hours and untrackable – now the weird part about this is that he was known to always have his phone on; his phone was never off. So where did he say he was? He told family that he’d taken his 4 year old to Solana Beach. Yea you took your 4 year old to the beach at 6am? For 11 hours? A 4 year old? And why not the bigger kids?

According to the Lexus’ GPS, Larry put in a “how to get back home” address search about 2.5 hours drive away from his house.

Another thing that was found was that that call that Maya made to her divorce attorney was at 3:48pm and her home security camera showed that she came home around 4:42p and there’s no footage of her leaving.

They also found out more about the spells Larry ordered. Not only did he order that binding spell, but he sent messages to a website that said they casted spells. One of the supposed spells that he asked for was, “Please punish May and incapacitate her enough so she can’t leave the house. It’s time to take the gloves off.”

On the last day Maya was seen, Larry sent a bunch of emails to that same spellcaster website saying stuff like, “I think she wants me to snap … I’m shaking inside, ready to snap.”

It also came out that in October, Larry had messaged another spell caster and wanted a “death spell” against the man who he was convinced that Maya had cheated on him with. The email read, “Do you have any spells that can manifest to cause physical harm?… May his unborn child be punished for his wrongdoings.” By the way, this guy was married with a baby on the way. What a piece of garbage Larry. To be sure the spell caster got the right person, he’d sent pictures of the man to them. 

Another thing that came out during the investigation was that at one point in time, Maya had told her friend that Larry had choked her out. Like out. Like to the point that she was unconscious.

On May 5th, police issued a gun violence restraining order against Larry. I know yall are thinking it’s because they found all those guns huh? Well that’s only part of the reason. They found pictures on his phone of a bunch of guns on his dining room table and, in one of the pictures, his 4 year old son was on the table surrounded by the guns. What the what is that?! 

In response, Larry filed a response that was 80 PAGES LONG talking about the police action against him. He said that this is ridiculous! The he is not a danger to the community.

On May 27, Maya’s parents filed a petition seeking visitation with their grandchildren. In their petition they alleged that Larry had cut off Maya’s entire family from the children. Larry fought the petition saying that he didn’t want them to see the kids.

In June, the gun violence restraining order was delayed until Septemper which was interesting because Larry agreed to the delay. Why do you think? Seriously, I’m asking for you opinion Char and LnMer’s.

In the summer, July 22, Larry was finally named as a person of interest in the case. Why so soon?

On October 18 murder and assault weapon charges were filed against Larry, and on October 19, the Chula Vista Police Department SWAT team arrested Larry for the murder of his wife- first degree murder charges and felony possession of an assault weapon. This carries a 25 years to life sentence if convicted. The assault weapon charge by itself has a maximum sentence of 3 years.

On October 21, Larry pleaded not guilty. A motion was filed “People’s request to deny bail” indicating all of the new information that came out in the case, including the comments Maya had made to her friends about her husband. The prosecutor reported that Larry would be a danger to his children, was a flight risk, and if he was released on bail he might also try to go and murder the man that he accused Maya of cheating on him with.

On November 2, Maya’s sister Maricris filed a petition seeking guardeianship of the three children, who were living in their house this whole time with Larry’s parents. His parents fought this petition and they began the process of seeking guardianship of the children

On November 4, a judge ordered him held without bail. He was also ordered to have no contact with any witnesses or his children. The order stated that “the father must have no personal, electronic, telephonic, or written contact with the protected persons. Also, Larry must stay 100 yards away from home, employment, school, [and] vehicle of each protected person.”

On November 10 there was a hearing granting weekly visitation between Maya’s family and the children. This visitation has to be in San Diego County. During this hearing, the kids were also appointed an attorney also called a Guardian Ad Litem. According to Cornell Law School, this is a person who the court appoints to watch over someone during a case. Unlike conservators or guardians, guardians ad litem only protect the ward(s)’ interests during a single case. This kind of guardian is usually appointed in disputes over child custody.

On December 1, a judge ordered the temporary Gun Violence Restraining Order to be dissolved under a motion that was filed saying “Petitioner requests a dismissal due to Respondent’s no bail custody status and restrictions in the criminal case.” In response the judge ordered the case “dismissed without prejudice.”

On January 10 Maricris’ Lawyer filed a petition saying,  “[W]e do not intend to move forward with the guardianship trial on January 19, 2022 and will be requesting a trial be set at a future date.” The Guardian Ad Litem in the case “desires to keep the hearing on calendar to request additional orders/modifications.”

A preliminary exam readiness hearing was scheduled for 1:30p on February 28 and a preliminary hearing was scheduled for April 14 of this year at 8:30am.

Somewhere along the lines, Larry spoke with the kids over the phone and he told his 10 and 11 year old to watch an r-rated movie called Shot Caller which shows life in prison. He told them to watch this so they can “understand the environment he’s in.” Wow, keeps up with the outrageous decisions. Also, wasn’t he not supposed to speak with the kids or witnesses? Also, they are only 10 and 11 so who put them on the phone with him? As I understand it, they are still with his parents with only visitation from Maya’s parents. Being that he’s on murder charges, shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Currently, Larry is in the Vista Detention Facility and awaiting trial.

Maya still has yet to be found.

If anyone has any information, contact the San Diego County Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477 or the Chula Vista Police Department at 619-691-5139.

So that’s the case of Larry Millete and Maya Millete.

What do yall think of this episode? Let me know in the comments below. Do you think she left or do you think that Larry allegedly did something?

I know police are looking around 2 hours away from their house, but that’s only where he entered the address. He could have driven 6 hours away and then put in the address only 2 hours away from the house.

Do ya’ll agree with me? 

Let us know in the comments below, or better yet, come on over to our Facebook Fan Page and join the discussion.

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