Hello, LaMs. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Love and Murder, the Weekly True Crime Podcast where we discuss relationships that have gone terribly wrong. Or our motto is you’re either someone’s last love or their first murder. Just as a reminder, our shared discusses true crime cases told in the form of a story with some mystery, some suspense and justice, a very minuscule, tiny bit of humor sprinkled on top, but never at the expense of the victim.
You can’t miss it. You can record your comment and then we’ll play it at the end of the next episode. Once it airs, you can also head on over to our exclusive community on Patreon.com/loveandmurder where you get exclusive bonus content starting at only 1$ a. Month you get free early releases of episodes of love and Murder. If you want us to get right to the story and not have to worry about an intro or commercials or me doing a half written stick. You can come on over to our Patreon.
There’s also other options where you get extra content every month. There are serial killer corner love obsessions, crazy crime. We get to know the host stories, where we talk about personal stories or just topics that we find interesting. We’re working on having you guys play some games with us, and there’s so much more to come. Ky always says that the best bang for your buck is at the 5$ and above to yours, and I tend to agree with her.
So please come on over. We would love to have you. If you like the episode, head on over to Apple Podcast or Spotify and rate us five stars. You can also download GoodPods and a radius on there too. You can say whatever you want in a description but it helps us bring us up in the charts that way other people like you can find us. We are all on social media at Facebook.com/relationshipcrime Instagram at Love Murder podcast and you can join our Facebook fan group by searching love and Murder fan page in Google or Facebook or by simply clicking the link that will be in the share notes.
You can find our merch by going to our website www.murderandlove.com and clicking our shop in the menu above. And an easy and very freeway to help us out is just by sharing the episode. Share with your friends, share with your family, share with your enemies, share with everybody. And as always, I and each episode by reminding you that you should lock your doors at night what? Oh, hold on. I’m being reminded there’s more to that. Oh, right. It’s all love and no murder.
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