5 kid murderers

Welcome everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Love and Murder – the weekly true crime podcast discussing relationships gone terribly wrong, where our motto is you’re either someone’s last love or first murder.

I am your host Ky and we don’t have a co-host today because we are doing a different type of episode.

As a reminder, our show discusses true crime cases told in the form of a story with mystery, suspense, and just a little bit of humor sprinkled on top – but never at the expense of the victim.

Be sure to subscribe to Love and Murder on whatever platform you’re on, as well as give us a 5 star review right now so you don’t forget. If you’re new here, then listen to the episode first and then please rate us (also welcome!)


In today’s episode, I’m giving you an update on the Maya Millette and Larry Millette case.


But first, I wanted to remind you to head on over to our Patreon. Our last bonus episode was the case of Jennifer Schuett. We have the video of the confession and where she is today. You don’t want to miss it.


Now, on to the show…

Let me give you a recap if you don’t remember when we did the case of Maya Millette in episode #50. You can stop listening now and click on the link in the show notes below to listen to the episode first instead of hearing the recap. 


Maya Millete was born on May 1, 1981 in the Philippines and moved to HI when she was 13 with her parents.  Larry Millete was born in 1979 in CA. He also moved to HI and both went to the same highschool where they met. Larry had a history of crime in his young years, but it seemed that he cleaned up his life, got married, and went into the military. He and Maya settled in CA and started a family. Over time they had 3 children and life went on.

There’s more to the story, and you can hear it in detail in episode 50, but suffice it to say that one day Maya asked for a divorce. 

After that, Larry started freaking out – acting possessive, doing obsessive stuff like leaving creepy little notes all over the place for her, and going to a witch to try to get a love potion or spell put on Maya to love him again. You heard me.

There’s so much more that he did, but this is a recap and I’m not going all into it.


Anyway, on January 7, 2021 Maya stopped communicating with her family and the next day her brother went to the house to find out why. She was no where to be found and Larry said he didn’t know where she was. Over time, his story changed a bit to “she ran away with some other dude” and/ or “she abandoned her husband and kids” this is according to him. Her family didn’t believe him, mainly because of alot of reasons that you can hear in the original episode so they called 911 and reported her missing. The police and a former criminal investigator began investigating and after 2 weeks the police obtained a search warrant to look around the house. They found a ton of guns but no Maya. They also saw that Maya’s car had been driven a long way. They obtained video footage from neighbors which, if you listen to them, are sooo eerie. I posted the video in our Patreon with episode #50 so our exclusive group could hear it. So creepy.


In the summer, July 22, 2021 Larry was finally named as a person of interest in the case.

On October 18 murder and assault weapon charges were filed against Larry, and on October 19, the Chula Vista Police Department SWAT team arrested Larry for the murder of his wife- first degree murder charges and felony possession of an assault weapon. This carries a 25 years to life sentence if convicted. 


On October 21, Larry pleaded not guilty.

Even though all of this happened, no one has seen Maya alive after her disappearance, nor has her body been found.


There’s more about where the children are and stuff – listen to episode 50


So initially a preliminary exam readiness hearing was scheduled for February 28,2022 then it was changed to April 14, 2022. THEN it was delayed to June when his attorney questioned whether or not he was mentally fit to be tried. So now he’s trying the insanity thing – so instead of it being an exam readiness hearing, it’s going to turn into a competency hearing. All of these delay tactics. On August 4, forensic doctors were supposed to give the results of their examination, but asked for a couple more days to determine if he is able to understand the criminal proceedings and assist in his criminal defense. They said that there was a lot of documentation involved so this is why they needed more time. What?! So those few more days turned into an August 29th then September 26 competency hearing.


What the hell is going on here? Why is the court allowing for all of these delays? I mean lawyers can ask for whatever they want, but why is a judge allowing this?

They are saying the reason for the competency hearing is because being away from his kids is taking a mental toll on him. Really?

Can you imagine what this is doing to their family? In doing my research, they still searc for Maya during the weekends and the court is playing with their lives; their emotions. The children are even in limbo – they have no idea what happened to their mom or what’s going to happen with their father.

No one is buying this mentally incompetent tactic; everyone can see that they are just trying to delay.


Anyway, if the forensic doctors tell the court that he is fit to stand trial then the case will pick up where it left off. If they say no, then Larry will go to a state hospital to undergo professional help to restore his competency – which, funnily enough, could take either months or YEARS.

So, the hearing is scheduled for 1:30 PST on September 26. Love and Murder Podcast will continue to keep you updated on this case.


Now for a Love and Murder update: 

With a new co-host, Rick, you can see that we are making some changes to the podcast. Everything we are doing is to bring you a better show! For the next 3 weeks, our episodes will be shorter and it will just be me reporting as we work behind the scenes. What will we be doing? We’re focusing on preparing some new and exciting content for all of you. We hope to create enough episodes so that we will never miss a release again, and all of you never miss out on new content. 


These changes go for our free and paid content.


Speaking of paid content:


Head on over to our exclusive community on patreon.com/loveandmurder to get exclusive bonus content. Starting at only $1/mo you get commercial free, early release episodes of love and murder. Want us to get right to the story with no intro, no commercials, no nothing? Come one over to our Patreon. There are also other options where you get extra content every month, serial killer corner, love obsessions, crazy crime, getting to know the hosts, play games with us, and so much more! So come on over; we’d love to have you.


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And as always, we end each episode by reminding you that it’s

All Love and No Murder Yall

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Discover more from Love and Murder Podcast: Heartbreak to Homicide

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