5 kid murderers

Today we’re talking about a case that will have you questioning your family.

This case idea came from @NateLWatkins1 on Twitter. He actually requested the case of Lena Driskell, but there wasn’t enough information for a full show so I did the show on something slightly similar. However, there was enough information – AND it’s interesting enough – for a bonus episode. So, that’s what we’re gonna do for the case of Lena Driskell.

If you haven’t yet, make sure you check out our last episode, which was a paranormal collaboration with Sarah of Weird Horizons Podcast. We talked about the death of Elisa Lam. I know I know not Elisa Lam again. But, well I’ll let one of our other listeners tell you what they thought, “I was like, “oh nooohh, not Elisa Lam again!” But was really pleasantly surprised by your fresh takes…even (almost) bought the paranormal angle, Shar, well, almost.”

So if you haven’t had the chance yet, after this episode, head on over and listen to last week’s episode number 47.

Also, in our exclusive community we have a new bonus episode category called Love Obsessions where we talk about true crime cases focused around being TOO in love with someone. Episode 1 is now streaming. We talk about a mother who would do “anything” for her child and a person who loved someone a bit too much. You won’t want to miss this. Head on over to www.patreon.com/loveandmurder and join us. Just a head’s up, we have a lot of new content coming – we’ll talk about it at the end of the show, but this is the last month you can join at only $3 and get everything. In April, the $3 tier will change and there will be a higher one. So get in now and get grandfathered in.

Now, on to today’s episode.

Geoward Flores Eistaquin was born in 1968 and was #3 of 8 children in a very tight knit family. He and his wife, Laura Salinas, had 2 children together and Goeward’s 18 year old son from a previous relationship all lived together. They lived in an upscale gated community in Fallbrook CA, which is in Northern San Diego County. Geoward was a military reservist, a real estate agent and a rugby coach. He joined the military in 2007 and worked as a space orbital analyst with the California Air National Guard and held the rank of technical sergeant. Everyone who knew him described him as a joy to be around; quick witted, funny, and generous. Their family life was an ok one, with the married life with its ups and downs, which basically sounds normal. Everyone had their ups and downs.

On September 11, 2001 Laura’s 66 year old mother, Cynthia Cdebaca, suffered a heart attack. Not long before this heart attack, Cynthia’s husband had died. Being a good daughter that she was, Laura convinced Geoward to allow her mother to move in with them and he agreed. They then asked her to move in so that they could properly care for her. Cynthia moved in and lived in the guest house to be able to still maintain her independence while her daughter and son in law cared for her.

Cynthia alleges that she began witnessing her son-in-law argue and verbally and physically abuse her daughter and she grew to hate and resent him. On top of everything, she didn’t like to follow their rules or respect their house. For instance, she smoked ALOT and would often smoke her cigarettes in the house even though her daughter had asked her numerous times not to. Why didn’t she just smoke in her own quarters? She had an entire little house to herself; it’s not like she was living in a bedroom in the house.

Cynthia and Geoward argued ALOT, even over the smallest of things – which is normal for people who don’t like each other. Nothing you do is ever good enough. Their biggest fights was because of her smoking in the house, especially when she smoked around the children. I can dig that. If you come and visit me, don’t smoke in my house. I don’t care if it’s -48 degrees outside, I’ll tell you that you have personal issues. So they fought about her smoking in front of his kids – and witnesses said that there were times, if he was outside watering the plants and she came outside to smoke, he would spray her with the hose.

They also argued about the way Geoward was with the kids. Cynthia thought he was too strict. She thought his style of discipline was military regimented. Unfortunately, this sounds normal for some military people. I don’t know why they bring that crap home to their kids. Like, your kids didn’t sign up to the military, you did. Leave them out of that crap. So they constantly fought about that. Laura probably complained to her mother about the discipline, but it was normally Cynthia and Geoward who argued about it.

On February 11, 2014 the family was getting ready to celebrate Cynthia’s 63rd birthday and to go to one of the children’s spelling bee competition. Laura had already gotten up and gotten the kids to school. Geoward and begun cleaning the house for the day and Cynthia was getting dressed.

Let’s take a minute break – at the climax of the episode so I can tell you about some friends of ours. Have you checked into Hotel Vicarious? Daria and Jenny are two best friends with a serious love of tv and film – and they have a lot to say about their current favorites. Coming up next? Bridgerton season 2, starting March 31st! Each episode is full of in depth discussions, lots of laughs, and plenty of hot takes. New episodes are released every Thursday, so we recommend ordering some room service and checking into the latest episode of Hotel Vicarious.

Now back to the show

At 8am, neighbors heard multiple gunshots going off and immediately ran to call 911. 911 received multiple calls detailing what was going on, and even on the call, you could hear more gun shots ringing out in the background and you could hear someone screaming for help. The entire ordeal lasted 10 minutes with gun shots ringing out on and off for that entire time. Police were dispatched and arrived a short while after. At the Eistaquin house, they were met with a trail of blood that led from the front of the house to the kitchen where they found the body of Geoward laying in a pool of blood with a bunch of bullet holes in it.

Police begin investigating to see if it was a break in or what happened. They counted 15 bullets in total from a .38 caliber handgun had been dispatched. 11 of those bullets had gone into Geoward with 7 staying inside of him and 4 passing through. 3 of the 15 bullets were found in the kitchen door and 1 was unaccounted for.

While questioning the neighbors, police thought that suspects could consist of Geoward’s 18 year old son and Cynthia. However, based on neighbor’s accounts, their main suspect became Cynthia; she’d been home when Geoward was and she hated the man.

But where was Cynthia now. Police began canvasing the neighborhood and 4 hours later, they located her at a coffee shop. When they questioned her on her whereabouts for the morning she said she’d just eaten a big breakfast at Denny’s and then she’d spent 2 hours gambling at Pechanga Casino. Basically, she’d been out enjoying her birthday morning.

Police decided to bring her in for questioning.

I’ll post the video of her interrogation in our Fan Page. Search Google or Facebook for Love and Murder Fan Page and request to be let in.

Anyway, when they first brought her in and sat her down, they immediately told her that her son in law had been murdered.

Investigator: “Something happened today at your house and unfortunately … Laura’s husband has passed away.”

Cynthia was became confused, then shocked and distraught. She began crying and asked if he was dead.

When investigators asked her how did she feel about him, she stopped crying, looked at him and then gave a thumbs down. The investigatory said, “So you didn’t like him.” Once again, she gave a thumbs down. At this point, all the tears and worry were gone from her demeanor.

Cynthia then began telling investigators that Geoward had been abusive to her, her daughter and her grandchildren for many years. She then said that she “stopped him.”

And once again asked if he was dead.

Investigator: “You tell me.”

Cynthia: “He’s gotta be dead.”

Investigator: “Do you think he’s dead?”

Cynthia: “I hope so.”

Cynthia then told investigators something interesting:

That morning, after she’d gotten dressed for the day, she went to ask Geoward to take her to the school to see the spelling bee. Allegedly, Geoward made snide remarks about her dressing and told her she looked “ghetto.” Cynthia decided that that was the last straw. She went to her apartment – for lack of a better word – and got her .38 revolver. She then walked towards Geoward who was walking away, in front of her, carrying laundry and started firing. So basically, she shot him in the back five times. As he was on the ground, begging her for mercy, she went back to her car for more ammo. She refilled her gun and walked back to him. Geoward had crawled into the house, in the kitchen, and locked the door behind him. She shot through the kitchen door and then kept shooting Geoward. She then went back to her care for even more ammo, filled her gun and went back to him. She emptied the clip in him again.

Investigator “You don’t feel bad about it?”

Cynthia: “No.”

Investigator “Would you do it again.”

Cynthia: “Yes.”

When she was asked where she got the gun, she told investigators that she’d purchased it from a local gun shop. For the last two weeks, she’d been going to a shooting range to practice shooting it.

She then happily asked detectives, “Is he alive?”

Investigators: “No.”

Cynthia: “Oh good, good, good, good, good, good. Oh thank you!” At this point she raised her hands, shaking them around and did little dance.

Again, all of this is in the video that I’ll be putting in the Love and Murder Fan Page group.

So she admitted to murdering her son in law. Of course, now she’s heading off to jail. They allowed her family in to say goodbye before they took her away. Laura came in and broke down crying asking her mother why she killed Geoward. She loved him and she loved her mother. They send one of her granddaughters into the room. Cynthia held her arms out and said “come and give me a kiss,” but her grand daughter barely went into the door and said “No. You killed my dad.” and broke down crying.

She was charged with first degree murder.

In August of 2016, she was sent to a phycologist and was found competent to stand trail.

The trial began in January of 2017. During the trial it came out that after she’d shot Geoward, she’d picked up all of the shells and ditched the gun and then went about her morning.

They argued that this was premeditated based on the fact that she bought the gun and was practicing at the gun range for two weeks before the shooting.

Laura testified for the defense. She said that Geoward was verbally and physically abusive and talked about how he would spray water on whoever misbehaved. She also said that he would break his son’s electronics and even threw out the urn with Cynthia’s late husband’s ashes in it. Cynthia’s attorneys defense was that she killed Geoward because she thought it was what was best for her family.

The defense asked the jurors to find Cynthia guilty of voluntary manslaughter instead of murder. If they found her guilty of murder then there would be no winners in this case.

In February 2017, the jury deliberated for three days.

Once back in court, but before the sentence, Cynthia wanted to say something, “I’m real, real sorry,” and then she started crying.

The jury came back with the verdict and found Cynthia guilty of first-degree murder. In March, she was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison.

After the sentencing, Laura said, “This is a tragedy. I love my mom; I loved Geoward. There’s no win here, not for anyone. It’s just complete sadness.”

Superior Court Judge K. Mickael Kirkman said “The jury’s verdict was justified by the evidence in this case.”

Currently Cynthia is in the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, Madera County. She will be eligible for parole in February 2039.

And that’s the case of Geoward Flores Eistaquin and Cynthia Cdebaca. Geoward is dead and Cynthia is spending the rest of her life in jail.

What did you think about this case? Do you think Cynthia did this in the heat of the moment or she just couldn’t stand him and planned it?

Let us know in the comments below, or better yet, come on over to our Facebook Fan Page and join the discussion.

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