Apparently we here at Love and Murder love geometry. Do you know why? Because today, for instance, we are talking about what we’re famous for; a love triangle. Get it?
We are talking about Sabrina Limon, Robert Limon, and Jonathan Hearn.
Sabrina was born in 1980 in Prescott, Arizona, and Robert Limon was also born in Prescott but in 1977.
Sabrina first met Robert when she was only 18 years old and he was 21 years old. To them, it was love at first sight. After being in a relationship for a short time, they quickly moved in together and, by August 19, 2000, they were married.
Robert got a job with the BNSF Railroad as a mechanic, so they moved to Helendale, California in a nice little house. Now, in Helendale, there is a small neighborhood called Silver Lakes which is very quaint and scenic. It’s located between Route 66 and two man-made lakes and is so gorgeous that it often attracts tourists. This is where they lived; on Strawberry Lane. Can you imagine that? I’ll post a picture of this neighborhood in our Facebook Group – Love and Murder Fan Page.
Robert and Sabrina had a seemingly perfect life – their lives were filled with parties, barbecues, boating trips, and their two kids – Robbie and LeAnna. Like I said, Robert worked as a mechanic and Sabrina worked part-time, but was able to be home enough to raise their kids. From the outside looking in, it was just the kind of life that most people want. But on the inside, they were not traditional at all. Sabrina and Robert were both obsessed with sex and they started swinging. Have you ever been with someone who was into swinging?
So, in 2008, 8 years after they were married, they opened up their marriage and began to have sexually open relationships. They continued swinging, but upleveled into orgies with other “quiet couples” in their neighborhood. They also began swapping partners with friends. Wow!
Initially they were both involved with another couple named Dale and Nicole Smith. After some time though, Sabrina slowly began to become emotionally involved with the husband, Dale.
Now, around this time, Dale and Nicole were already in a somewhat rocky relationship and it ended up getting worse. Hmmm… I wonder why. So when Dale began to get emotionally invested in Sabrina, he thought of this as something new, hope for a new beginning, someone he could depend on, and someone he could confide in. So to him, it wasn’t just about the sex; it was so much more than that. Now, Robert noticed that Sabrina and Dale had gotten close so he asked Sabrina to stop dealing with Dale. Sabrina agreed and stopped.
Before I move on, I want to give a brief PSA:
Do not get in relationships with married people!
#1 You don’t want to be the one responsible for breaking up a marriage
#2 More times than not, the person will not leave the marriage for you
#3 You’re only going to be hurting yourself in the end
After this, Robert and Sabrina got together with a bigger group of swingers and even went on adult only vacations with them. So as you can imagine, as they started having more people in their sex lives, they also started having more alcohol in there as well. A lot of people claim to use alcohol to loosen up and to help them do things they wouldn’t normally do.
Around this same time, Robert had started showing signs that he’d become addicted to porn. He started spending less time with Sabrina, giving her less sex, and was always online watching porn. This made Sabrina feel neglected and angry. She said she didn’t even want this open marriage lifestyle; she didn’t want to have sex with anyone but her husband. She just did this to appease Robert and keep her family together. She did all of this for him and this is how he repaid her?!
When summer was over in 2012 and the kids went back to school in August, Sabrina started working at the Costco in Victorville. She worked with independent contractors to help them find what they needed, she also set up tables and handed out samples.
One day, while she was at work, she met a hot, young, religious firefighter named Jonathan Hearn. Jonathan was born in 1990 in Hesperia, California to Mike and Carol Hearn. Jonathan was described as a sheltered and very calm guy. He grew up in a religious household, went to a private school, and knew when he was little that he wanted to become a paramedic. When he graduated from highschool he worked hard and passed all of the necessary exams to become a paramedic at the earliest age he possibly could. But, even with all of that, he had never had a steady girlfriend before and had never been in a real relationship.
So he’s 10 years younger than Sabrina and was 32 years old when they met. Jonathan was working as his dream job, a paramedic in the San Bernardino Fire Department. One of his duties at the department was to do the firehouse’s grocery shopping. While he was out doing this one day, he ran into Sabrina. They had a conversation about what he was there shopping for and Sabrina told him that she had a friend who was also a firefighter named Jason. Jonathan was like, “Oh Jason, I know him!” So now they realized they had something in common. In Jonathan’s opinion, Sabrina was very friendly and very nice; someone he would remember. The second time they met – which was just him running into her in Costco – she remembered his name and spoke with him more. By the third time he was in Costco, Jonathan got her phone number because he saw that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and she hadn’t said anything about being married, no naturally, that means that she’s single right?
The two began talking and texting more and more. They flirted and talked and did everything people in a new relationship would do. To Jonathan, Sabrina had a very magnetic personality and immediately stood out to him. Soon, an emotional connection started forming and Sabrina felt that she needed to come clean with Jonathan so one day, she called him and confessed that she was married. Jonathan was surprised and told her that he didn’t know because she never had a ring on when he saw her. That’s when she let him know that, due to the work she does, she never wears her ring to work. Jonathan was disappointed, but he didn’t want to date a married woman so they agreed to just be friends, but that didn’t last long. They continued flirting, calling, and texting each other. Eventually, their relationship continued and ended up becoming a romantic one. Now, this brings me to a hot button question – do you think men and women could be friends?
One night, after they had spent some time together talking and being romantic, Jonathan told Sabrina that he was worried that their relationship would never actually work; saying he “didn’t see it leading into anything good.” Sabrina asked if they could, again, continue being friends. So they tried this again and, again, their relationship as flirtatious friends continued to the point that, by December 2012, they were engaged in a full-blown affair. This would be the beginning of a two-year affair.
Anyway, Sabrina wanted to maintain her image of perfect marriage, as a perfect wife, and perfect family, so she hid the affair from the town. Even though they were 10 years apart, Jonathan saw a future with Sabrina and she saw herself with him too; not her husband. To Jonathan, Sabrina was his first love, his first girlfriend.
But 3 to 4 months into the relationship, Jonathan called their mutual friend Jason Bernateen and asked for Robert Limon’s phone number. You remember Robert; Sabrina’s husband. Yea that Robert. Jason confronted Jonathan, asking if there was any relationship going on with Sabrina and Jonathan lied saying, “No no it’s nothing like that. There’s nothing going on with Sabrina.” Jason was like, “I won’t give you his number, but I will give him your’s and have him call you.” And that’s just what he did. In around March/April of 2013, Robert called Jonathan, while at Jason’s house, to confront him about his affair with Sabrina. Jonathan spoke with Robert and, while he never confessed to a full-blown sexual affair, he did admit that they were very flirtatious with each other. Do you think having strong emotions for someone is cheating?
Anyway, little did Jonathan know but, Robert had already seen the conversations between them that showed that there was a serious emotional affair going on. Jonathan apologized for the affair and disrespecting Robert’s marriage. While Robert and Jonathan were having a conversation, another thing Jonathan wasn’t aware of was that Sabrina was right there listening to the entire thing. When Robert got off of the phone, he broke Sabrina’s phone. Sabrina expressed regret in her lapse of judgement and promised never to see Jonathan again.
So how long do you think that lasted?
Sabrina started talking to Jonathan again as soon as Robert started letting his guard down. Once Sabrina spoke to Jonathan, she told him that Robert was very exploitative, controlling, and despite being married, she felt that Robert was willing to pass her off to any guy. She said that it was clear that he wasn’t worried about the health of their marriage and always avoided the reality of their relationship. What does that even mean? She told Jonathan that Robert was very focused on his own interests and not the interests of his kids or his family.
I mean, if that was all true, would he have even wasted his time confronting Jonathan?
So Robert and Jonathan’s conversation happened in April of 2013; by February 14, 2014, Sabrina and Jonathan felt they could get married because they were destined to be together. Oh yea, also on that day, they planned to have Robert killed – because our system of laws have made no other way to get out of a marriage – no possible way to leave a marriage at all. I can’t think of one other way to leave a marriage can you?
So, they’d talked about how they would go about killing Robert; they settled on poisoning him.
I know you’re wondering why poison. Well they said it was because it would reduce the likelihood of a criminal investigation. I don’t know what world they were living in, but ok.
Sabrina told Jonathan that Robert had a rare medical condition that presented some symptoms that might be mimicked in a poisoning crisis and his common stomach issues would mask those symptoms. Being his wife, Sabrina knew what kind of foods would give her husband these symptoms, so she had told Jonathan that a specific wrap in Costco and banana pudding would be potential foods to put the poison in. She said banana pudding with Nilla wafers as this was Robert’s favorite snack. What – an – asshole.
Jonathan, the second asshole, said sure and went shopping. He used a pre-paid credit card to transfer funds to a PayPal account in order so that he could buy arsenic trioxide. According to medlineplus.gov, arsenic trioxide is used to treat leukemia – which is cancer of the white blood cells. This drug can cause a “serious or life-threatening group of symptoms called APL differentiation syndrome. Arsenic trioxide may cause QT prolongation (heart muscles take longer to recharge between beats due to an electrical disturbance), which can cause serious or life-threatening heart rhythm problems. Arsenic trioxide injection may cause encephalopathy (confusion, memory problems, and other difficulties caused by abnormal brain function)” This is what they wanted to poison Robert with.
In trying to purchase the arsenic trioxide, Jonathan ran into the issue of most suppliers required a background check, but after much research, one supplier on the internet didn’t require this and he was able to purchase the drug. Being the upstanding young man he was, he had the poison delivered to his grandparents’ art studio. He then researched how much poison was necessary to adequately poison a man of Robert’s size. On one of his days off, he tested the dose and experimented the weight-by-dose ratio by putting it in some meat and feeding it to a neighbor’s dog.
Although the test batch didn’t work on the dog, a few days after that, Jonathan prepared a batch to give to Robert, knowing that he would be going to work. He put it in some banana pudding and delivered it to Sabrina’s house. She then put the pudding in Robert’s lunch for the next day.
However, they started to get cold feet and became paranoid. They started thinking that they could be tracked through their cell-phone and decided to call Robert to stop him from eating the pudding. I wonder what Sabrina said – because you know she was the one who called him. “Hey honey. Yeah remember the pudding I put in your lunch today. Don’t eat it because it’s poi- I mean bad. Yea love you too honey. See you tonight.” So, what she actually said was that the bananas had gone bad and that he shouldn’t eat the pudding. I was right!
After this, Jonathan and Sabrina agreed that they would not use the poison plan and would instead get Sabrina a burner phone so they could talk without being traced. After planning some more, they realized the poisoning wouldn’t have been the best way to murder Robert because, after thinking it over, they thought that would be the first think police would think a paramedic would do to murder someone; poison them. So they decided to come up with an alternative way in which it couldn’t be traced back to them.
After careful thought and weeks of planning, Jonathan came up with the brilliant plan that couldn’t POSSIBLY be linked back to him and Sabrina. He would just walk up to Robert and shoot him at work. What could go wrong.
Sabrina, being as brilliant as Jonathan, decided to go along with it and gave Jonathan a detailed layout of Robert’s work and his schedule. She made sure she paid special attention to security cameras and security detail. Regular Ocean’s Eleven in here.
On the morning of August 17, 2014, Jonathan left the fire station, went to Walmart to buy more ammo and went home. There he put adhesive flashing on his motorcycle so that he could change the color of some of its parts. He got two, pre-packed backpacks, a mask that looked like and old man, and put on his murder clothes which was a long sleeved shirt and dark baggy pants. He’d also designed a make-shift silencer out of the barrel of a Maglite. According to bakersfield.com, “He said he drilled end caps to fit the caliber of the bullet he planned to use, and glued freeze plugs inside the barrel to muffle the gun’s sound. Jonathan later testified that “The firearm was extremely quiet, probably no louder than a pneumatic nail gun you’d use for carpentry”
He then drove to the railyard where Robert was working. When he got there, in the early evening, he saw Robert leaving. Jonathan parked across the street and tried to figure out which garage Robert worked in. He couldn’t figure it out and was about to abort the mission when Robert came back. Jonathan “got himself together” for about 10 to 15 minutes and then followed Robert into the garage. When Robert came out of the office that was in the garage, he saw Jonathan. They had a brief conversation. When Robert turned his back on Jonathan to go into the office, Jonathan tried to get the gun out of his backpack but the make-shift silencer had gotten stuck on something in the corner of the bag, so he shot Robert with one round while the gun was still in the bag. He then tried to make the scene look like a botched robbery. Before leaving, he walked up to Robert and shot him one more time to make sure he was dead – this shot was in his head.
When Jonathan got home, he saw that he had a bunch of missed calls from Sabrina. He returned her call and let her know that he was ok and that it was done.
One of Robert’s coworkers found him leaning against a truck, dead in a pool of his own blood.
Being nervous and paranoid, Jonathan and Sabrina kept calling and texting each other talking about their friends and who they thought was suspicious and who would call the cops. Do these people not learn?! Why are you texting about these things?!
The police began investigating the murder and during the it, police also found a surveillance video at the railyard of all the vehicles that were passing by on the night of the murder. All of the vehicles were identifiable except one – which happened to be a motorcycle. Jonathan’s motorcycle.
Because it was her husband who died, police brought her in for questioning. So, when Sabrina was questioned by investigators, she was cooperative in giving details about her husband’s work schedule and assured them that Robert didn’t have any enemies and that there couldn’t possibly be anyone interested in murdering him.
However, just days after the murder, Jonathan’s cars were parked in front of Sabrina’s home. Wow! They didn’t even wait!
The funny thing is, Jonathan and Sabrina were actually right to be paranoid. Remember Jason? Yea well him and his wife Kelly called the cops and told them that they were suspicious of Sabrina and Jonathan in the death of Robert. They also told them of the affair that they were having behind Robert’s back.
Police were like, “Oh yea? Thanks for the heads up.” and put surveillance on Sabrina and Jonathan. They posted police at their house and wiretapped their phones – even the burner phone they had.
Once Sheriff Myer looked into Jonathan’s phone records that the truth slowly came to light. Police were able to identify Jonathan as the gunman and was arrested on Novembert 18 2014 on first-degree murder. Sabrina was also arrested on the same day but, shortly after her arrest, she was released because there was not enough evidence to hold her.
Jonathan decided to go to trial but 2 days before that date in January 2017, Jonathan took a plea deal to testify against Sabrina. I wonder what changed his mind. Maybe Sabrina wasn’t standing beside him. Maybe she started backtracking on how much she loved him. Something had to have happened for him to change his mind.
Jonathan told them that he was the one who pulled the trigger, but that Sabrina was the mastermind behind it all.
Sabrina was re-arrested in January and her trial began in the same month. During the trial, she said that she was a promiscuous vixen but that she wasn’t a killer.
Jonathan, on the other hand, sang like a bird. He said that Sabrina had started talking about killing her husband in April of 2014. They had talked about numerous methods of killing Robert, including burning him alive in his car and poisoning, before they had settled on shooting him. They wanted the murder to look like a robbery gone wrong which is why he stole some things from Robert’s job.
Sabrina came back with, “Nah uh!” She said that she had no knowledge of any planned murder.
The prosecution presented the court with photos, phone conversations, text messages, and friend testimonials that detailed how Sabrina and Jonathan worked together on the planned murder of Robert. Remember Jason? Well in court, him and his wife admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the Limons but they clarified that that didn’t include actual sex.
Sabrina retorted that she suspected that Robert and Kelly were having an affair, but Kelly shot that down – no pun intended.
The prosecution then pulled out a letter that Sabrina had given Jonathan on Valentine’s Day in 2014 which said that she was looking forward to their future together. Sabrina was like, “uuuhhhhh” This is when her defense started to crumble.
Now that she wasn’t as strong in her defense, she starting answering questions with “I don’t know what I meant by that” or “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember”
Jonathan testified that they had briefly discussed getting a divorce, but that she didn’t want one. Because she had two children, she didn’t want to have to deal with child custody issues and she thought that she would look like the bad guy in the divorce. Anyway, she said that losing her would figuratively kill her husband, so she said that actually killing him would spare him the emotional pain.
Jonathan said, “She expressed (her husband) would honestly rather be dead than divorced.”
He said they were in love and needed Robert dead so that they could be together and raise Sabrina’s two kids.
They’d also planned on collecting the $300,000 in Robert’s life insurance and getting the continued benefits that the railway paid deceased railroad workers’ families..
Sabrina’s lawyers argued that it was only Jonathan who thought this and Sabrina had nothing to do with it.
“There is no question that (Hearn’s) notes, letters and statements to (Limon) evidenced his desire to eventually marry her and help raise her children. In fact they illustrate his utter obsession with her. But (Limon’s) cards, notes, and statements to (Hearn) prior to Robert’s death, while demonstrating her infatuation with him and expressing her love, were ambiguous as to whether she planned a future with him that did not include Robert. This evidence did not corroborate (Hearn’s) testimony that (Limon) acted with the requisite intent to kill.”
Jonathan testified that part of the reason Sabrina and him connected so well was because she didn’t want to be in the swinging lifestyle any longer. She’d always wanted a monogamous relationship but Robert didn’t want to give up having multiple sex partners.
Sabrina jumped on that statement and agreed that she didn’t think Robert loved her because, even though he found that she was cheating on him with Jonathan on two occasions, he did nothing to mend their relationship.
The jury was like yyyyeeeaaaa…..
Once in deliberation, it took the jury only 6 hours to come to sentence. On Oct. 5, 2017, the court found Sabrina Limon guilty of murder, conspiracy, solicitation to commit murder and being an accessory.
She was sentenced to 25 years to life while Jonathan was sentenced to 25 years and 4 months with a chance of early parole due to his plea deal.
Sabrina’s attorney, Richard Terry, released a statement saying that “Hearn saved his own butt. It’s hard to fathom how they found her not guilty of attempted murder but involved with the murder.”
Sabrina Limon is currently 41 years old and is serving her time at the Central California Women’s Facility. In March of 2021, (this year at the time of this recording) she appealed her conviction in its entirety, claiming that there was a total lack of evidence. The court said, “yea well we saw a total amount of evidence. Now stay your butt where you are.” and threw out her appeal.
Jonathan Hearn is currently 31 years old and is serving his time at the Ironwood State Prison. He will be eligible for parole in November 2028.
So Sabrina is alive, Jonathan is alive, and Robert Limon is dead and their two children are without their parents.
What did you think of this case? Do you think Sabrina and Jonathan got enough time in jail? Let us know
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