5 kid murderers

Welcome to Love and Murder, the podcast that delves into the fascinating world of crimes of passion. Join us as we explore the intricacies of love, betrayal, and the human psyche behind some of the most notorious murder cases in relationship history.

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Let’s talk about the story of Ryan Waller – a victim of a shooting on December 25 and prime suspect in a police misconduct case.

Ryan’s story is filled with heartbreak and accusations of injustice. Unfortunately, instead of being seen as a victim, Ryan ended up being labeled as one of the prime suspects in the murder of his girlfriend. But that’s just the beginning.

Ryan became famous on the internet for a police interview where he spoke for hours, all while struggling to survive two gunshot wounds to the head. His case became a well-known example of civil rights violations and police misconduct, as officers failed to treat him in a timely manner and ignored his severe brain injuries for hours.

However, Ryan’s story is also notorious for being full of misinformation, and there were many rumors and conspiracies surrounding the incident. In interviews with Ryan’s family and friends, they recounted allegations of police misconduct and pointed fingers at the lead detectives and the entire police department.

Not much is known about Ryan’s past, but we do know that as a young boy, he had a talent for playing the guitar and loved gadgets. While he was originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, Ryan had been living in Phoenix, Arizona prior to his death.

So, what happened to Ryan Waller and his girlfriend, Heather Quan, on that fateful day? On December 23, 2006, Larry Carver and his son, Ritchie, showed up at Waller’s home seeking vengeance for a presumed altercation that had occurred in the past. Ryan and Heather were sitting in the living room when they arrived, and unfortunately, things quickly escalated.

Ryan and Heather were renting a house together with a roommate, Alicia, who happened to be out of the house that day. The house was at the end of a cul-de-sac, making it a secluded location for such a violent incident to occur.

Ryan and Heather, had just moved into this house about a month and a half before this tragedy occurred. One day, two men, Richie and his father Carver, went to Ryan’s home and rang the doorbell. Ryan answered and seemed to recognize the two men, but hesitated to let them in. Despite this, Carver and Richie forced their way in. When Ryan tried to close the door, Richie shot him twice in the head, seemingly killing him.

Richie then proceeded into the living room, where Heather was sitting on the couch, and shot her to death. It seems as though Richie and Carver killed Heather because they didn’t want any witnesses. After shooting the couple, they also stole some weapons and a computer.

However, the story of what happened after this tragic event is not so clear-cut. There are multiple narratives about what happened next. According to one story, the police arrived at Ryan’s house shortly after the incident and found him still alive despite being shot in the head twice. Ryan was able to tell the police who the shooters were.

But there are other stories about what happened that day. Ryan’s father, Don, had called Ryan and Heather several times to remind them about dinner. After not getting any response, Don and his wife drove to Ryan’s house but nobody was there. They later called the police.

Interestingly, Alicia, Ryan’s sister, had also gone to the house earlier that day but hadn’t checked into their room. She also never stumbled upon Don and his wife, even when they searched around the house. The police eventually found the bodies of Ryan and Heather.

What’s even more shocking is that after Ryan was taken into custody, he sat in the patrol car for four hours with no medical attention. He was eventually taken to the interrogation station the next day. It’s a tragic story with a lot of differing accounts, but definitely one worth exploring further.

Ryan was questioned by Detective Paul Dalton despite being injured and in pain. During the interrogation, Ryan didn’t say much except that he wanted to sleep. However, the police continued to ask him questions about the incident and even pressured him to admit that he was the one who killed Heather, but he never confessed to it.

After several hours, Ryan was finally taken to the hospital to receive treatment for his injuries. But by then, it was too late, and he developed a severe infection due to the lack of immediate medical attention. Ryan spent 35 days in the hospital and lost a section of his brain, his left eye permanently, and had seizures for several years.

As for the people responsible for the shooting, Ritchie Lee was convicted of Felony Murder, Burglary, Aggravated Assault, and Misconduct involving weapons. He received a life sentence in prison without parole. However, it took some time before Ritchie’s father, Larry, was also convicted. Initially, Larry could not be indicted as his wife refused to testify against him. But eventually, Ritchie’s mother appeared in court, and L arry was found guilty on more than one count, including First Degree Murder and Aggravated Assault. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

There are a lot of speculations about why this happened. One theory is that Ryan and Richie had previously gotten into a fight. Another theory is that Richie and Heather had some sort of conflict. Some people even say that Richie was simply jealous of the nice things that Ryan had.

Years after the conviction of Ritchie and Larry, Ryan and his father, Don, filed a lawsuit against the Phoenix Police Department. They alleged that the police gave misinformation about the day on which the shootings took place. They also accused Detective Paul Dalton of tampering with evidence and creating his own narratives about the case.

Paul Dalton apparently had a controversial professional history. It seems he didn’t always play by the rules when it came to conducting his prior cases. Some people are even saying that the Phoenix Police Department is still under investigation for the way they handled a case involving a guy named Ryan.

Unfortunately, Ryan died several years after the incident due to a seizure that caused a burst in his brain. It’s a really sad situation, and Ryan’s father and stepmother have kept largely out of the media, although Ryan’s father has done an interview or two talking about his son and their family’s search for justice.

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